The Neighbourhood

Music is a big part of my life. Ever since I was little I can remember spending my afternoons dancing around our living room listening to my parents’ records. ABBA, Madonna and Elvis were on regular rotation and I was a happy girl.

Many years later when grade eight hit, that’s when I discovered the rock/alternative genre. Aerosmith’s Get a Grip was where it was at in 1993. I soon discovered Nirvana, STP and Radiohead. When my parents finally decided to get cable before I started high school, I now had access to MuchMusic. It was then my love of rock/alternative music grew even bigger.

So that brings me here, to, The Neighbourhood. Back in the spring I was listening to the local rock/alternative station when I heard a song that grabbed my attention. Something something holes of my sweater. Off to Google I went and discovered this song was called Sweater Weather and it was from a new Southern California band called The Neighbourhood.

The Neighbourhood

The Neighbourhood

Check out the video for Sweater Weather. Pretty great, right? I really need to move to California…and I really seem to have a thing for tatted up guys now.

But I digress. So I bought their debut album a couple of weeks ago and I have not stopped listening to it. I have not felt this way about a new band since I discovered Depeche Mode back in 1998 and Muse back in 2005. The CD has blown my mind. If I’m going to take a shower, I’ll bring it with me in there. If I’m going to make dinner, I’ll bring it with me to the kitchen. I fall asleep listening to it. It’s that good. It’s moody, it’s beautiful, it’s raw and it’s sexay!

Check out Rolling Stone’s review of the album and have a listen to the amazingness that is I Love You.

And they’ll be playing Edgefest ’13 in Toronto this July. So check ’em out there!

The Undateables

I’ve recently joined the online dating world and it’s a real bitch. It’s tiring, annoying and at times, seems pointless. But, I know it works, so I’m keeping at it. Thanks to this, I’ve got a keen interest in anything that relates to dating these days.

I was intrigued when I saw a new series being promoted on Slice (TV channel in Canada) called The Undateables. I’ve since learned that it was a British documentary series that aired on Channel 4. It followed a group of individuals living with certain challenging physical and mental conditions in their search for love.

The Undateables

The Undateables

I’m loving this series. If you think dating is hard for you, it’s a million times harder for these daters. Channel 4 pegs it as uplifting series and I agree. I love getting to know these daters each episode and find myself rooting for them.

I’ve read some negative reviews saying these people are being exploited. They’re not. They’re giving us a glimpse into their lives and what it’s like to live with these challenges while looking for love. I feel happy and hopeful by the end of the hour.

So check it out!

The Undateables on Channel 4

If you’re in Canada, check out the remaining episodes on Slice. They air Thursdays at 9pm ET/PT.