The Neighbourhood

Music is a big part of my life. Ever since I was little I can remember spending my afternoons dancing around our living room listening to my parents’ records. ABBA, Madonna and Elvis were on regular rotation and I was a happy girl.

Many years later when grade eight hit, that’s when I discovered the rock/alternative genre. Aerosmith’s Get a Grip was where it was at in 1993. I soon discovered Nirvana, STP and Radiohead. When my parents finally decided to get cable before I started high school, I now had access to MuchMusic. It was then my love of rock/alternative music grew even bigger.

So that brings me here, to, The Neighbourhood. Back in the spring I was listening to the local rock/alternative station when I heard a song that grabbed my attention. Something something holes of my sweater. Off to Google I went and discovered this song was called Sweater Weather and it was from a new Southern California band called The Neighbourhood.

The Neighbourhood

The Neighbourhood

Check out the video for Sweater Weather. Pretty great, right? I really need to move to California…and I really seem to have a thing for tatted up guys now.

But I digress. So I bought their debut album a couple of weeks ago and I have not stopped listening to it. I have not felt this way about a new band since I discovered Depeche Mode back in 1998 and Muse back in 2005. The CD has blown my mind. If I’m going to take a shower, I’ll bring it with me in there. If I’m going to make dinner, I’ll bring it with me to the kitchen. I fall asleep listening to it. It’s that good. It’s moody, it’s beautiful, it’s raw and it’s sexay!

Check out Rolling Stone’s review of the album and have a listen to the amazingness that is I Love You.

And they’ll be playing Edgefest ’13 in Toronto this July. So check ’em out there!

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